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All rugs are exclusively handknotted in a small family-run workshop in Bulgaria by Europe's last remaining artisans practising traditional handknotting. With a distinguished heritage in weaving rugs for high profile establishments worldwide, the workshop and its 30 artisans have gained the support of high profile clients ranging from King Charles III to Mick Jagger. Rankin Rugs further supports this ancient rug making technique, preserving the expertise and innovation established hundreds of years ago, by providing a production outlet focused on functional contemporary design and fine art practice.


All pieces are created on original wooden looms, using the finest, locally-sourced wool from Bulgaria. The wool is then custom-dyed by hand at the workshop using high quality, eco-friendly and natural dyes. Bold and intricate patterns are meticulously produced to the finest detail and richest colour, with on average 125,000 knots per sq.m knotted in place by hand, using a traditional hand-knotting technique dating back 2500 years.


Due to the time-consuming and rare nature of the rugs’ production techniques and the specialised skills required, all rugs require a production lead time of 4 months minimum. Please bear in mind that some images of rugs are concept images, and are for illustrative purposes only - if you would like to confirm wool colours please get in touch and we can supply you with a bespoke yarn card.

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